• Papers Submission is now open !
    There is only one submission phase and paper consisting in extended abstracts of 4 pages are requested directly and will be evaluated by the scientific committee.

    Information & Guidelines

    Browser configuration must allow acceptance of cookies and Javascript controls to use the online submission system. We recommend you to use Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 5+ or Safari 5+ in order to take full advantages of the system.
     General rules for abstract submission
    • Each participant may submit up to 1 oral and 2 poster.
    • The presenting author should attend the conference on site.
    • Only abstracts from registered delegates who paid the registration fees in full will be considered for program planning and published..
     Submission guidelines
    - Language:  All submitted material shall be written in English.
    - Preference: Choose oral presentation or poster session.
    - Topics: Please choose two of the 11 topics
    • Multiscale constitutive modeling for soils and rocks
    • Weathering effects on soils and rocks destabilization
    • Permafrost and ground stability
    • Survey techniques
    • Modeling of soil and rock hazards
    • Recent progress in numerical tools for landslide modeling
    • Risk analysis and mitigation
    • Modeling and design of protective structures
    • Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques applied to slope engineering
    • Make researchers, authorities and companies working together and involve inhabitants
    •  Case studies

    - Title of presentation: Please provide a title (maximum of 50 words) that clearly indicates the content of the contribution. Avoid abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations may be used in the abstract if they are defined when first used.
    - Main author: Name, email, affiliation (institution/company), city and country.
    - Co-authors: Name, email, affiliation, city and country.
    - Abstract: Please used the template HERE.

    - There are no fees for submitting abstracts.
    - Abstracts will be made available to the participants in electronic form. The author is solely responsible for the ethical and scientific content of the submission.
    - The presenting author is expected to present the work in-person during the congress (oral or poster session). In the event that this is not possible, the main author may delegate the presentation to one of the co-authors. 
     Key dates
    - Articles requested: 30/09/2023 NEW DEADLINE: 26/10/2023
    - Return review: 15/12/2023
    - Return of revised versions by authors: 15/02/2024
    - Notification for authors: 31/03/2024
  • Registration
    26 Avenue Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot
    Tel: +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Fax: +33 4 38 38 18 19
    Information desk
    Monday to Friday from 2pm to 5pm
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

    According to France's Personal Data Privacy Act in effect since June 2004, you may send a request in writing to INSIGHT OUTSIDE 26 avenue Jean Kuntzmann, 38330 Montbonnot / France, or by email webmaster@insight-outside.fr to access your file in order to consult, modify and/or delete your personal information.

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